Mortgage Brokers

How do you know your servicing platform is cost-effective?


Want to maintain an existing servicing platform?

Want to establish one?


Simply wish to capture servicing revenue from the loans you originate?

Cost to Service

Your cost to service should be on as variable a basis as possible.

This becomes a challenge as the fixed costs of technology and human resources are required regardless of the number of loans in your portfolio.

There may also be a drag on your origination professionals, who may have to help with more complicated servicing tasks like operating statement and rent roll analysis, property inspections, resolving deferred maintenance issues, and handling special borrower requests.

Essex Can Help

We collaborate with mortgage brokerage firms like yours to find the most cost-effective division of labor between your people and ours.


It is common for us to handle the following:

  • Payment processing
  • Investor remittances
  • Escrow administration
  • Insurance, property taxes and UCCs
  • Payoff processing
  • Borrower requests
  • Collateral surveillance
  • Any combination of these

We complement the strengths of your origination and servicing platforms, allow your dealmakers to stay in the business of making deals, and return a healthy portion of the servicing fee to your bottom line.

“Our nine year partnership with the Essex Financial Services team has been a great asset to our business. Their dedication and knowledge has allowed us the freedom to focus on new business without having to constantly deal with servicing matters.”

Servicing Partner since 2014

Managing With Integrity

Perhaps most importantly, we treat your customers like they were our own. We also ensure that your institutional clients’ investments are managed properly.

We make sure your valued customers remain your valued customers by keeping information regarding those relationships highly confidential.

We currently serve over 50 life companies, mortgage brokerage firms, and private lenders.

Get In Touch

1401 17th Street, Suite 750
Denver, CO 80202

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